
2019年9月,作为一名18岁的新生,她进入了十大网络彩票平台大全的第四周, while walking down a hallway in the Campus Center, Beth Montgomery suffered a stroke. 事后看来,那次事件以及她从中恢复的过程,对她的成功起到了很大的作用.

“I was on campus and walking down the hallway, and I started to limp, and I didn’t know why,” Montgomery said in remembering the setback.  “And throughout that day, I was feeling drowsy.  My hand wasn’t working properly.  I didn’t think anything of it. I was 18.” 

A call to the doctor put her in the hospital, where she spent the next two weeks, 之后她又进行了两周的康复治疗,重新学会了走路.  

“那次长达一个月的经历让我很快从中风中恢复过来,这让我落后了一段时间 semester, 但它也让我意识到自己的力量,并帮助我决定我不想让我的大学生涯坐在后台.”

In fact, 蒙哥马利认为,这次医疗事件给了她决心和韧性,让她去追求人生中最具挑战性的任务——在新成立的萨克斯比斯咖啡馆(Saxbys Cafe)担任首任学生咖啡馆执行官(SCEO),为期六个月的实习。萨克斯比斯咖啡馆于2023年8月在校园中开业.  The internship ended December 15, 2o23, 正好赶上23岁的蒙哥马利拿到了她的管理营销文凭.  除了接受Saxbys创始人的培训和支持外 & 首席执行官尼克·拜尔和她的地区运营主管肖恩·扎米切利, 蒙哥马利从早上6点30分开始监督咖啡馆的运营,同时领着薪水,并获得了整整一个学期的学分.m. to 7:30 p.m. and growing a team.

蒙哥马利最近向一个由17人组成的小组介绍了她的经历, including Bayer, Holy Family President Dr. Anne Prisco, and a committee of Saxbys leaders, 他们中的许多人在其他大学校园的萨克斯比斯咖啡馆担任过类似的学生角色.

“能有机会向大家介绍我在这个职位上的经历,我感到非常兴奋,” Montgomery said. “我很高兴萨克斯比和高层都想听听利弊,以及我的经验. I can’t believe I was given this chance to learn and grow, to be fully immersed in running a business. 因为我的经验,萨克斯比现在正在组建盛大的开幕团队. 我喜欢听你说我在这个项目上留下了印记,我在圣家医院留下了印记. 我们现在有一个17人的团队,我在培养他们每个人的过程中都发挥了作用.” 

这17名员工中的大多数都接受过交叉培训,可以在咖啡馆里扮演所有四种角色, and a new SCEO, senior Amiyah Lamar, will be taking over the leadership role.

“贝丝最近的报告是每个学生CEO在学期末都会做的顶点项目,” Bayer said.  学生们被要求回顾他们是如何成功地融入萨克斯比成功的三大支柱——团队发展, 社区领导和财务管理-以及他们如何将在课堂上学到的原则应用到实践中.  During her presentation, Beth did a tremendous job of articulating her experiences, 但真正让我印象深刻的是她在整个过程中保持的乐观和积极.  她非常谦虚和谦虚,她以极大的积极性应对了这个巨大的挑战. 

“What she did was so incredibly difficult,” he continued. “这可能是她经历过的最艰难的实习.  The pressure of these tasks can so easily weigh you down, but her optimism emanated throughout her presentation.  可以说,填补首任CEO的空缺要困难得多,因为你必须从头开始管理一切.  You have to follow the marketing plan, develop partnerships with the community, 在你从公司领导那里继承的预算范围内工作, and develop leaders among your peers. Everyone is looking at you.  I am looking at you. President Prisco is looking at you.  The campus community is looking at you.  Your family is looking at you. 对很多人来说,这种审查的压力会让他们精疲力竭.  Beth battled through.  She stumbled, and she got back up.  She learned from both her failures and her successes. 她在她的团队中培养了许多领导者,并为下一个团队取得巨大成功奠定了基础. 这是一项艰难而巨大的成就,应该为她鼓掌.  我和Prisco博士对这一伙伴关系和此次发布的成果感到非常自豪. We couldn’t have had better results, 像贝丝这样的成就会受到任何领导者的赞扬, let alone for someone as young as she is.”

Now that the internship has ended, Montgomery is grateful for the support, 她得到了指导和鼓励,并接受了这份工作的个人挑战和广泛责任,这需要她自己对财商的理解, critical thinking, cultural agility and yes, resilience. It was experiential learning to the nth degree.

“我认为Saxbys给Holy Family带来了一种我们以前没有的很酷的能量,” Montgomery said. “I am so glad I got to be a part of it. I think the campus has reacted so positively to Saxbys, 我很高兴看到有这么多的回头客来到这里, in between classes, 去买一个烤奶酪三明治或早餐三明治(或者贝丝最喜欢的早餐墨西哥卷饼). I learned so much about myself. Maybe that I don’t want to run a café, 但我肯定对餐饮服务行业有兴趣, and  I now have a leadership mindset.” 
Montgomery also learned, 通过大一时的健康挑战,以及在这种强烈的沉浸式体验中幸存下来, to take the limits off her life.

她说:“我认为我的性格能胜任这份工作。. “我可以在那一刻思考,处理压力,想出一个解决方案,并负责任.  每个人都很愿意学习,继续努力,继续前进.  我喜欢与我的团队成员和萨克斯比斯团队建立的联系. My stroke is what put me on a path to put myself out there, to allow that strength to be a part of who I am. It is what helped me realize that I am capable of a lot.”



Jan Giel